Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To-Do or NOT To-Do

I believe most women have long "to-do" lists. I sure do, and one of them is posting to my blog on a daily basis. This morning, thoughts of "Dear Lord, it has been three days since my last blog post" came to mind. The 'list' was calling me from my purse and trying to vie for my blog time. I declared out loud, "Thou shalt sit undone for thine moment while thy bloggest."

As I sit here wondering what is still on the 'list' left to do before my surgery, other than the obvious; wrap Christmas gifts, try to mail packages that need mailing, order Christmas picture cards, get stamps, clean house, pay bills, do thank you cards, throw in a load of laundry, prepare grocery list, grocery shop, do list of meals for Holly to prepare, take dog for a walk, take a shower, and eat breakfast, I am taking a moment to be thankful for the many things I won't have "To Do" while recovering from a major surgery. Here's my top 5 don't have "to dos."

1. No housework. Admit it. Wouldn't you love to just let it go and watch as your family struggles to find a pair of socks?

2. No grocery shopping. Grocery shopping is like driving during rush hour, so it might be worth eating pizza for a week while my family tries to figure out how to cook a meal from something other than Schwans.

3. No dressing up or bathing. Don't get me wrong, I like to be clean and look nice, but I'm embracing the fact the I'll be wearing 2-4 tubes hanging around my waist for a few weeks. That's not conducive to a relaxing shower. I've got my comfy sweatpants and long-sleeved, button-up flannel shirts all picked out.

4. No driving for a minimum of two weeks, preferably 3. Hum, I'm not sure whether this is a good thing. I won't be able to drive to Starbuck's for my Grande, Breve, no water, 200 degrees, Chai Latte to sip while writing the great American novel. Hint, hint.

5. No laundry. I'm not suppose to lift more than 10 lbs for many, many weeks. A full laundry basket, in my opinion, must weigh more than 10 lbs right?

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