Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back to School. Thank Goodness!

Family time is treasured time. Family time that is full of activities that keep the kids from fighting is the best time of them all. As our family winds down the holidays, I'm noticing that we're experiencing less and less patience with other. We need to get back to our routine. The kids need homework instead of XBox and Facebook.  We all need to see other faces besides those whom reside in this house!

I'm particularly anxious to dive into those closet drawers I boasted about in my 'New Year's Resolution' post. Every time I try to put something away, I have to stop myself from emptying it out onto the floor and dumping the contents into the garbage. Mind you, I'm not suppose to lift more than 10 lbs at a time, so this might prove to be challenging.

We finished putting away Christmas decorations today, and my husband and son took down all of the lights. I reveling in the space. The living room appears to have expanded by five feet and is no longer an explosion of red and white.

I love Christmas, but admit it, it's a lot of work for us moms. Now it's time to plan for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. We've earned a few nights on the town don't you think?

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