Monday, November 8, 2010

Celebrating Christmas in November!

Sunday, my daughter, Holly and I decided to celebrate Christmas in November. Why not?  Christmas is a cheerful time of year. We pulled out the holiday DVDs, some Nutcracker statues, the Christmas tablecloth, and the manger scene. It made the house feel warm and cozy. It's tradition to play the Elvis DVD while we  decorate. I laugh at it now, because the kids always gave me such a hard time about playing that one and me dancing around shaking my hips. Now they dance for me!

During this challenging season of my life, I realize how important it is to keep on living life and not act as though I'm dead. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for people who live alone or don't have children to keep them busy. An early lesson that this illness is teaching me is to be more present and focused on today, not yesterday or tomorrow. I'm a planner and a worrier, so I guess this is something God wanted me to work on in a huge way.

Have a beautiful Monday!


  1. Love the picture of Elvis! Keep the post coming it is great to know how you are doing!

  2. Isn't Elvis great! It wouldn't be Christmas at our house without him.

    Thanks for checking up on me!

  3. Yes, it can be Christmas anytime. Good for you!
